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Add Assets from CSV Files

Series: PlexTrac ProTips

Category: Product Features, Reports



Hey there. I’m Nick Popovic, PlexTrac, Hacker in residence. Welcome to the PlexTrac Pro Tips, a video series of quick tips and tricks for maximizing how you use PlexTrac. Brought to you by me and my fellow PlexTrac super users to share cool features and uses that we we hope will make your work even more effective and efficient. Have a unique Plex Track use case or tip of your own. Share in the comments. Now, let’s get to our pro tip.

Let’s explore several ways to utilize a PlexTrac formatted CSV file to get assets into the Platform. We look at this client, we notice that there are no assets. Let’s import some using a CSV file. I’ll click on Import, select CSV, and I’m going to choose this file.

Once we upload into the Platform, we can see that it added in successfully. And now we have our assets. We look at how that file is formatted. We can see that it’s comma separated with the name IP address, criticality, so on and so forth. It’s important to remember that the most important part about the CSV file that PlexTrac accepts is the header row. Let’s look at importing another file with only the IP addresses that we want to add to this client. If we look at the second file, we see the same header row, but we see only IP addresses.

Perhaps this is the output of some automated tool or discovery, or you just want to copy and paste from a list of IPS and get into the Platform. Import assets, select CSV, and select that second file.

We see the assets of imported successfully. Now let’s look at a way to add assets directly to a finding. In this case, we’re going to look at the report and we notice there are no findings. I’m going to add one from the write ups database.

Now I’m going to look at this finding under Affected Assets. Rather than add assets that I’ve already established, I’m going to import multiple assets. Perhaps there’s a list of hosts that are affected by the same binding, and we want to add them all at once. We can do that. We’re going to use a third file just to continue demonstrating that the header row is the most important part. We have a mix of IP addresses and names in the next section, and we see that we have now associated these assets with this finding.