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Purple Teams

Purple Teams

Combining Red and Blue for Exponential Impact

PlexTrac is the Purple Teaming Platform, enabling cybersecurity programs of all sizes and maturities to experience the benefits of purple teaming. The platform supports continuous, iterative cycles of adversary emulation activities and promotes communication and collaboration among players to assure real progress is achieved.

By accurately simulating common threat scenarios and promoting the creation of new technologies aimed at preventing and detecting new threats, [purple teaming] helps the security team improve the effectiveness of vulnerability detection, threat search and network monitoring.”

– IT security director at a U.S. technology company


Adversary Emulation

Get Ahead of the Threats

PlexTrac is perfect for planning, executing, and reporting adversarial emulation activities. Standardize your testing and make real progress by conducting frequent engagements — script your own, use plans built into the platform, or import procedures from MITRE, BlindSPOT, or SCYTHE.


Cross-team Communication

Break Down Silos

Improve communication and promote better collaboration at every stage of the cybersecurity lifecycle. With PlexTrac, you can script engagements and assign roles so that all team members understand the tactics, techniques, and procedures regardless of role or experience.


Post-Engagement Remediation

Make Engagements Count

Use PlexTrac for rapid reporting after a purple teaming engagement. Triage collected evidence in the platform and add new findings from exercises directly into report templates. Assign and track issues for remediation directly in PlexTrac.