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Bug Bounty Program

Streamline Bug Reporting

Regardless of where you input bug reports, PlexTrac is the perfect platform for aggregating findings from bug bounty programs. Track the progress of your bug bounty program and visualize results in PlexTrac.
Find, aggregate and report bugs to claim your bounties and reap their rewards
Aggregate data and utilize a unified platform by using PlexTrac


Include Bugs with Findings from Other Sources

PlexTrac is the only platform that offers red teams and blue teams a single interface to report and remediate findings. The ability to include screenshots, code samples, and videos at the finding level, attribute findings to assets, and categorize findings with custom tags makes PlexTrac the leading cybersecurity reporting platform.


API Integrations

Import Findings from Bug Bounty Platforms

Plug and play additional tools by building integrations using PlexTrac’s open API. PlexTrac is the perfect platform to aggregate all your security-related data into powerful reports and analytics.

All of your findings and exploits live in one, centralized location
Use PlexTrac's Analytics module to highlight your strengths and empower you to improve your weaknesses


Monitor Aging of Reported Vulnerabilities

PlexTrac’s analytics module highlights where you’re improving your posture and where you may need to invest more effort. Aging of findings may further be filtered at the client, report, asset, and compliance levels.


Writing A Killer Penetration Test Report

You may have l33t skillz on the command line, but can you communicate through the written word?

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