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CISO Series

Welcome, CISO Series Podcast Listeners

Whether you heard about us on the CISO Series PodcastDefense in DepthCyber Security Headlines, or Super Cyber Friday, we’re happy you’re here.

Take a look around and consider booking a demo with our team by filling out a form on this page. We’ll know David sent you!


Reach out to us with any questions you may have. A member of our sales team will answer your questions as well as walk you through our pricing.


The Power of Purple Teaming


Track Signal Through the Noise with PlexTrac

PlexTrac is the cybersecurity platform that empowers continuous assessment, automated workflow, and effective collaboration between teams.


The Benefits of Being Purple

Dan DeCloss of PlexTrac and Ben Finke of OnDefend come together for a webinar focused on remedying the historic pains associated with purple teaming.

Schedule a Demo

PlexTrac is the premier purple teaming platform. Our assessment reporting capabilities are the most comprehensive and robust in the industry. Our ability to aggregate, analyze, and visualize findings from all sources offers an unparalleled 360-degree view of your security posture. No other platform makes it so easy for red and blue teams to collaborate.

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