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Get Better Penetration Test Reports — Faster 

Streamline your reporting with pre-built templates and easy-to-apply style guides 

Penetration test reporting is a pain — no doubt — but it doesn’t have to be. One of the best ways to eliminate tedious, manual report-building efforts and also improve the consistency and quality of your reports is to create templates. PlexTrac is the premier solution for pentest report templating. And our latest feature release makes customizing report template for your reporting needs more accessible than ever before. 

Watch the video to see PlexTrac’s no-code style guides and pre-built report export templates in action.

Pre-built export templates

PlexTrac offers a full suite of pre-built report export template designs, spanning many types of engagements, including OWASP, single scope, multiscope, etc. These are all designed with industry best practices in mind. PlexTrac’s out-of-the-box report templates may be downloaded and further customized by selecting from pre-built design options — no coding required. Simply download, select your custom options, and begin using to get immediate value from your PlexTrac reporting. 

Customizable style guides

Additionally, the new Style Guides feature enables you to manage additional report styling customizations from within PlexTrac. Again, no coding is required to set up and apply style guide settings to your reports. This release is a first step towards removing styling dependency on coding and placing the controls directly in the PlexTrac app for ease of use and efficiency, making it possible for anyone to manage customizations whether they have technical coding expertise or not. 

With PlexTrac you and your team can hit the ground running with your security reporting. Quickly and easily upgrade your report template or add a new pentest report type to your repertoire without coding or waiting for support. 

Ready to get started with PlexTrac? Book a demo. 

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