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Blue Team Remediation

Optimize the Business of Purple Teaming

Most of the daily cybersecurity work falls under the blue team function — remediating vulnerabilities and maintaining systems.  Often those dealing with the results of penetration tests and automated scanners aren’t even considered part of the cybersecurity team but rather are IT analysts and other network and system administrators.

Teams need efficient ways to communicate, track, and remediate findings from automated scanners and red team exercises. All that knowledge is useless if nothing ever happens with it. Many organizational cybersecurity teams already have workflow tools in place that help their blue teamers or IT analysts assign and manage remediation tasks. But identifying and moving the pertinent information from reports and scanning tools into a ticketing system is just one more bottle neck, particularly if those receiving the tasks aren’t dedicated cybersecurity team members.

With PlexTrac, cybersecurity teams can make better use of the data and improve collaboration with everyone responsible for protecting the parameter. PlexTrac offers tracking and ticketing in the platform and simple integrations with major ticketing systems to make and track remediation progress.

To learn more, check out our blog to learn how PlexTrac can help cybersecurity teams optimize the business of purple teaming.

An Integrated Platform to Manage Remediation

With PlexTrac’s built in integrations with Jira and ServiceNow, you can coordinate workflows within the team and with the rest of the organization. PlexTrac makes it easy for users to find and use the information they need to get the right work done.

PlexTrac’s robust integration with Jira offers extensive customization options.  

Step 1: Locate Your Preferred Integration

Navigate to the Admin Dashboard. Under Account Admin > Tools & Integrations > Integrations > you’ll find the “Jira” integration tile with the “Connect” button. Under Jira, Click “Connect”. 

Step 2: Configure the Integration

Click on the “+ New connection” button to access the steps to configure and customize the integration.

Select “Connect to Jira Cloud” or “Connect to Jira Server” and fill out the 3 fields required, then click “Save & Continue.” 

If information is filled out correctly and connection is made, you’ll have the options to select which Jira projects to create issues within. You have the option to “Save as draft” or make the selections and “Continue with ‘X’ projects.”

Next, you can map fields for your epic, story, or task. This example will walk through mapping an epic. As a default, similar fields like severity will be mapped automatically, but you can change these mappings to better fit your workflow. 

Clicking on the “sync direction” button will open an expanded selector which will allow you to customize and select which sync direction works best: Jira to PlexTrac, Bidirectional, PlexTrac to Jira (Continuous sync) or PlexTrac to Jira (One-time sync). Click “Save & Continue.”

Configure the connection settings by selecting a Jira user that will be shown as the updater in PlexTrac and set the frequency that the data is refreshed. 

Step 3: Create a Ticket

To create a Jira ticket, navigate to a report, and you will see a couple different areas for creating tickets. 

The “+ Create Jira Tickets for Report” button will generate a Jira ticket for whichever Jira project you select.

You can also select multiple tickets and use the bulk selection drop down to get to the same Jira project selection modal.

Finally, you can click on an individual finding, then click on the Status button to create a ticket for this one finding.

PlexTrac’s integration with ServiceNow is easy to set up and simple to use.  

Step 1: Locate Your Preferred Integration

Navigate to the Admin Dashboard. Under Account Admin > Tools & Integrations > Integrations > you’ll find the “ServiceNow” integration tile with the “Connect” button. Under ServiceNow, Click “Connect”. 

Step 2: Configure the Integration

When you click on the “Configure ServiceNow Integration” button, you will see three fields. Fill them out and click “Test Connection” and once successful, click “Next”.

Step 3: Create a Ticket

To create a ticket with ServiceNow, navigate to a report, click on a finding to open the modal, and click on Status. 

Here you can see the available fields for your ServiceNow ticket creation. Click Save and your ticket is now created!

Track and Manage Remediation with PlexTrac Integrations

Assuring the work gets done doesn’t have to be so hard. Easily integrate the ticketing tools your blue teamers and analysts are already using into PlexTrac for streamlined workflow from finding to fix.

Cybersecurity teams within organizations have to do it all. Effective communication of the most critical vulnerabilities between red and blue team roles is imperative to move the needle on security posture. Learn how cybersecurity teams of all sizes and maturities can go purple with PlexTrac.

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