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The Cyberwire

Welcome, The Cyberwire Listeners!

If you love The Cyberwire’s high-quality lineup of cybersecurity podcasts as much as we do, you’ll love PlexTrac. Book a demo to see the platform in action. We also hope you’ll check out our expert white paper entitled “Writing a Killer Penetration Test Report.”
Learn more about us, get more details on the white paper, and download your copy below!

White Paper

Writing A Killer Penetration Test Report

Everything you You may have l33t skillz on the command line, but can you communicate through the written word?

What’s Inside

The penetration test report is the deliverable upon which a penetration tester or security consultancy will be judged by clients and indirectly by future clients. Yet very few pentesters enjoy — let alone feel confident — crafting an effective report. If you are looking for a template — if only it were that easy! — and instruction on what to include in a pentest report and how to communicate effectively through this important document, this white paper is for you.  

You’ll gain relevant instruction on

  • How to add value with the report so clients can move the needle
  • What foundational writing principles you should be using
  • What content should be included in the pentest report
  • How to structure everything effectively

For Every Security Pro

An Introduction to PlexTrac

PlexTrac is the cybersecurity platform that empowers continuous assessment, automated workflows, and effective collaboration between teams.

For Blue Teams

Change Your Life as a Blue Teamer

PlexTrac offers blue teams a powerful platform to aggregate, remediate, and communicate security findings in one central location.

For Red Teams

Change Your Life as a Red Teamer

PlexTrac eliminates the drudgery of security reports so red teams can focus on getting the real cybersecurity work done.

Request a demo

PlexTrac supercharges the efforts of cybersecurity teams of any size in the battle against attackers.

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