The Risk Mastery Playbook Discover what it takes to master automated contextual risk prioritization Discover what it takes to master automated contextual risk prioritization — accelerating remediation, proving measurable risk reduction, and driving a winning Continuous Threat Exposure Management strategy GET YOUR COPY
Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape in 2025: A Preview of Transformational Trends and Predictions After six months of analyzing emerging trends, we’ve identified key developments that will shape the security landscape in the coming year. From the rise of Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) to the evolution of vulnerability management and the expanding role of AI, our report delivers actionable guidance to help you strengthen your defenses. DOWNLOAD NOW
Context Is Key What is contextual risk prioritization and why is it a game changer for your offensive security program? GET YOUR COPY
Fast Track Continuous Validation Pave the way to fast, iterative cycles of testing and validation and avoid common roadblocks with workflow automation. GET YOUR COPY
A Guide to Optimizing Proactive Security Services Transforming Your Security Service Provider Business to Maximize Profitability with Premium Offerings and Invested Clients GET YOUR COPY
Selling Your Boss on Pentest Reporting Automation A Practitioner’s Guide to Making a Winning Business Value Case for Your MSSP DOWNLOAD NOW
Ebook: Don’t Trade Quality for Speed in Your Pentest Reporting Get better reports faster with pentest automation GET YOUR COPY
The Pillars to Establishing a Successful Security Program Key Strategies Behind Mature Programs GET YOUR COPY
The Pitfalls to Establishing a Successful Security Program Avoid Approaches That Prevent Program Growth DOWNLOAD NOW
The Security Service Provider’s Guide to Improving Productivity with PlexTrac Crushing The Reporting Time Suck DOWNLOAD NOW
The Enterprise Security Team’s Guide to Maximizing Value from Internal Testing with PlexTrac Supercharge Your Pentesting Life Cycle GET YOUR COPY
Your Guide to Tackling the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage Attract and Retain Top Talent, Even in Today’s Competitive Market GET YOUR COPY