VIDEO NarrativesDB: Creating Repositories and Sections Series: PlexTrac MiniDemo Series Category: Content Library, Product Features, Reports BACK TO VIDEOS Transcript Today I’m going to introduce you to the Narratives DB repository and show you how easy it is to both create a repository and to create a Narrative section. Navigating over here to the sidebar menu, you can see you this content library module. The content library is your place for all Reusable content and PlexTrac. If I drop this down, you can see right upsdb here, which is your home for all your reusable findings, data and Narratives DB, which is basically all the rest of the reusable content in PlexTrac. Now, if I navigate to Narratives DB, you can see some examples of data that is often stored in Narratives DB. So you see BIOS Executive summaries key strengths. There’s a sample repository here. This just comes with PlexTrac. But for me and my organization, it makes sense. I’m organizing this to also have a key weaknesses repository. So I’m going to create that right now. I click New Repository and I just fill in the form key weaknesses section ID prefix. I will do Kw n for key weaknesses description I will fill out later. And the repository access, I’m going to click Manage so that only certain people can edit it. I’ll create it that is instantly created here. If I navigate into the repository, you can see it’s empty because I just created it. So I will create a new section here. I’m going to cheat a little bit. I’m going to copy and paste some of this info over. I’ll be creating a limited detection capabilities key weakness here, copy over the section body here. And you can see this section body isn’t formatted all that well. It didn’t come over when I copied and pasted it. So I’m going to modify this a little bit to make it more readable for my client. I’m going to put a section return there. I’m going to build this section. I’m going to add bullet points here because this is a list. So that’s going to be a lot more readable for my client. And they can skim it much easier. Now, tags make this much easier to search if you want to find this really quickly when you’re working on a client report. So for this, I’m just going to put key weakness here. And since this has to do with detection, I’ll also put detection. And that’s it. You can see it. Auto saves all your information. You don’t even have to click a Save or submit button. I’m going to close out of this and I have my first Narrative section in this repository. So that’s how we’ve easy it is to create both a repository and a Narrative Section. SHOW FULL TRANSCRIPT