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Collaborate to Remediate

Using PlexTrac’s Robust Jira Integration to Manage Remediation

The cybersecurity workflow has historically been disjointed, even for many internal teams. Those performing the assessments and testing are typically far removed from those patching and remediating. Although different specialized teams focusing their talents on particular aspects of cybersecurity program isn’t a bad thing, it can lead to silos and mountains of unaddressed legacy issues. 

The problem is often quite simple: a lack of clear communication and prioritization between offensive and defensive teams. PlexTrac helps change the paradigm by bringing disparate tools together for better reporting and analysis AND supporting communication and remediation of those issues to completion with ticketing capabilities and integrations with remediation tools. The result is a premier cybersecurity reporting and collaboration platform that not only helps prioritize and communicate the greatest threats but also ensures they can be tracked to remediation so your program becomes more mature. 

One of the most popular tools for managing remediation activities in cybersecurity is Jira. PlexTrac’s robust and flexible Jira integration meets your team right where you are by seamlessly working with the tool your team is already using while delivering more insights, analytics, and opportunities for collaboration on the findings you receive from your offensive testing activities and reports.

Jira and PlexTrac

Coupled with PlexTrac’s analytics trends and SLAs, our Jira integration enables you to gain visibility into your remediation efforts to see how you are trending over time.

The powerful Jira + PlexTrac integration gives you the ability to 

  • Select which projects you would like to include in your Jira integration
  • Map fields uniquely for each project and its ticket types
  • Map custom fields/statuses at the project level
  • Refresh fields when changes need to be made
  • Map progress
  • Determine direction of sync at the field level (bidirectional, one-way, or one time)
  • Choose your refresh frequency (or force a one time sync)
  • Select issue types created from findings at the project level

How the Jira Integration Works

Begin reaping the benefits of Jira and PlexTrac together in three easy steps through your PlexTrac instance.

Step 1: Locate the Jira Integration

Navigate to the Admin Dashboard and select Jira in our API level integrations pane.

Step 2: Configure the Integration

You have maximum flexibility to configure the integration with Jira to your preferences.

  • You’ll have the options to select which Jira projects to create issues within. You have the option to “Save as draft” or make the selections and “Continue with ‘X’ projects.”
  • You can map fields for your epic, story, or task at the project level. 
  • You can customize and select which sync direction works best at the field level: Jira to PlexTrac, Bidirectional, PlexTrac to Jira (Continuous sync) or PlexTrac to Jira (One-time sync). 

Step 3: Create a Ticket

You can create Jira tickets in PlexTrac in three different areas.

  • Use the “+ Create Jira Tickets for Report” button to generate a Jira ticket for whichever Jira project you select.
  • Select multiple tickets and use the bulk selection drop down to get to the same Jira project selection modal.
  • Click on an individual finding, then click on the Status button to create a ticket for this one finding.

Streamline the Full Cybersecurity Lifecycle

The Jira + PlexTrac integration is designed to be highly customizable, flexible, and robust so that you can keep your current remediation ticketing workflow while gaining the benefits of PlexTrac’s efficiency driving collaboration and reporting features to streamline the full security lifecycle. 

Don’t use Jira? No problem. PlexTrac also integrates with ServiceNow, or you can use the ticketing functionality built directly into the platform. Regardless of your tech stack, PlexTrac is the platform you need to bring it all together. 

Learn more about PlexTrac’s growing list of integration partners

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